Among the Skies update v1.2

New in this update;

Removed speed up when no enemies are near; this has been replaced by a manual speed boosting feature.

Removed player speed stat increase in research; this has been replaced by the introduction of a new acceleration buff module. This new module increases speed by the same amount as the research stat did, and adds more speed boost time.

Added proper collision to all objects in-game. Now you can ram islands & enemies without phasing partway through them.

Introduced a ramming mechanic. You can now ram enemies and inflict damage. 3x damage if you hit them with a ram.

Introduced a new death "animation". Enemies will break into pieces upon being destroyed. This looks awesome when you're ramming them.

Improved player's aiming mechanic. Now you can shoot at an enemy far away even if there's one close to you.

Improved the games performance. Performance slightly improved in all scenes. Performance improved moderately in combat scenes, beyond a spike or two at the start of the battle. This is normal, and is due to how the new improvements work.

Added a particle animation upon ramming islands in most spots.

-forgot to make this post public when I updated the game, sorry lol.

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